By Majda Mehdizadeh
Physiotherapist at Life Ready Physio + Pilates South Perth
Becoming a mother is one of the most exciting, scary and potentially painful experiences in a woman’s life. The changes the body goes through to accommodate a growing baby during pregnancy are nothing short of amazing! But they come at a price.
Looking after yourself during your pregnancy promotes a healthy pregnancy and a safe birth (which means happy mum and a happy baby).
Some common issues women face during pregnancy include:
- Lower, upper back and neck pain
- Pelvic girdle pain including SIJ and pubic symphysis pain
- Sciatica
- Pelvic floor muscle dysfunction
- Gestational diabetes
- Fear, anxiety or depression
The most effective way to address some of these issues is by seeing a physiotherapist, including a post-graduate trained women’s health physiotherapist, for a comprehensive assessment and treatment or exercise prescription. Every woman’s body and pregnancy is unique, so an individualised approach to prenatal care is essential. Your physiotherapist will ensure the treatment and any recommendations you receive are safe and effective for you.
Exercising throughout pregnancy has multiple benefits, including lowering the risk of all of the above-mentioned conditions. The best exercises to gain all these benefits include physiotherapist-supervised prenatal Pilates, strength, cardio and flexibility programs. These are the best choices for keeping your body and mind in the best condition during (and after) pregnancy.
Remedial massage can also help relieve muscle and joint pain, as well as make you feel more relaxed. And let’s face it, it might be the last bit of pampering you’ll have for a while!
So if you’ve just received the good news about an upcoming arrival, book an appointment with your physiotherapist to make sure you have the safest and most comfortable pregnancy and birth possible.