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Is Physiotherapy Right For Me?

By Tully Hogan-West
Physiotherapist at Life Ready Physio Midland

So, you’ve hurt your neck playing with the kids over the weekend, or by spending too much time in front of the computer at work… What do you do?

The current state of health care in Australia offers a wide range of options when it comes to treating and managing your pain and this sometimes overwhelming array of choices can present a challenge when deciding who will be the best person to help you get back on track.

As a physiotherapist, I help a wide range of people every day, from swollen ankles just off the netball court, to sore necks and shoulders due to poor work stations, back sprains and strains, headaches, and rehabilitation in the gym for many different injuries.

When you make the decision to see a physiotherapist you can expect to spend some time discussing your problem, which allows us to break down your issue and delve into the root cause of your pain. Once your diagnosis is established, treatment can range from deep tissue massage, joint mobilisation or manipulation of the spine, specific exercises and advice about how to properly manage your diagnosis at home.

If you require scans, further investigation, or a referral onto another health professional we can typically organise this for you and provide the next step in your rehabilitation.

Let’s break it down into what to expect from your Life Ready physiotherapist:

  • The chance to tell your story – what is causing you problems and what your goals are
  • A detailed and comprehensive verbal assessment
  • This is followed by a specific physical assessment that considers your job or sport requirements
  • A diagnosis that details what the problem is and how it has likely begun
  • A treatment and management plan that details the ins and outs of your best course of action
  • A combination of hands on or exercise based treatment that targets your issue, goals and circumstances
  • And most importantly (for some), a tea or coffee on arrival!

If you have experienced an acute injury or been struggling with a long-term issue, the chances are that an experienced physiotherapist will be able to diagnose your problem and provide you with a detailed treatment plan. This will be individualised to meet your expectations and advise you on your next course of action.

If any of this sounds like you, or you think we can help, give us a call and we can start getting you back on track and become Life Ready.

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