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Understanding Osteoarthritis

Emma Glynn
Managing Executive and Senior Physiotherapist at Life Ready Physio + Pilates Camberwell

Osteoarthritis is a significant health challenge that can disrupt daily life, but our physiotherapists can assist in managing symptoms and help relieve pain. 

Here we explore how physiotherapy can help those living with osteoarthritis get back on their feet and back to doing the things they love. 

Understanding Osteoarthritis 

Osteoarthritis is a type of arthritis that commonly occurs in the hips, knees and hands that typically affects those aged 65 and older. Severity and location varies from person to person, however most common symptoms include pain, swelling, difficulty moving affected joint.  

An in-depth and one-to-one physiotherapy consultation can help address symptoms through manual therapy and strengthening exercises. Based on your initial consultation, our physiotherapists will develop a personalised treatment plan to help you reach your health goals and best manage your osteoarthritis symptoms both in-clinic and at home. 

Osteoarthritis Treatment Life Ready Physio

The Evidence Speaks 

Research supports the effectiveness of physiotherapist-guided strengthening exercises in reducing pain associated with osteoarthritis. (1).  

Movement as Medicine 

Physiotherapy challenges the idea that rest is the only solution for osteoarthritis. A comprehensive approach by our team encourages active movement through a range of stretching and strengthening exercises from seated to standing to one leg balances, aiming not just to manage pain but to improve strength, flexibility, and resilience – all tailored to our client’s abilities and personal health and fitness goals. 

Empowerment Through Education 

We’re not just about hands-on treatment and prescribing the most appropriate exercises to help our clients. We’re also strong on educating our clients about osteoarthritis. Informing them about their condition and pain symptoms empowers them with knowledge, take-home self-management techniques, and plans for ongoing care, making each session a long-term investment in wellbeing. 

Why choose us for physiotherapy for osteoarthritis? 

Armed with many effective approaches for managing osteoarthritis, our dedicated and highly experienced physiotherapists are passionate in helping our clients go beyond just symptom management – they make it their mission to improve their overall quality of life.

With warm and understanding people skills and consistent, high-quality clinical care, our physiotherapists are committed to helping you understand the root cause of your pain, and managing it in ways that adapt to your lifestyle and personal goals. 

Your Next Step – Book Your Appointment Today 

If you’re considering physiotherapy for osteoarthritis, book an appointment with our skilled Life Ready physiotherapists. Where here wherever and whenever you need us!  

Book online now or phone our friendly team at any of our clinics throughout Perth and Melbourne to learn more.  



  1. Shamsi, Sharick; Al-Shehri, Abdullah; Amoudi, Khaled Othman Al; Khan, Shabana. Effectiveness of Physiotherapy Management in Knee Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review. Indian Journal of Medical Specialities 11(4):p 185-191, Oct–Dec 2020. | DOI: 10.4103/INJMS.INJMS_96_20 

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